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Kooth sessions for Parent Carers

Do you know about Kooth?

Cassim, Kooth's South West London engagement lead, is running a number of Parent and Carer's virtual sessions in June. Sign up to find out how Kooth works with schools to support your young people's mental health and wellbeing. 


Choose your session and book here:

10:00-10:40 Sunday 2 June 2024

16: 30-17:10 Sunday 2 June 2024

18:30-19:10 Tuesday 4 June 2024

18:30-19:10 Thursday 6 June 2024 

Kooth offer free support with no waiting lists. They offer a safe and anonymous space for young people to talk about their wellbeing without the fear of judgement, with clinical practitioners on hand to offer one-to-one support through text-based counselling.

They operate after school hours, on weekends, and during school holidays and they don't require a formal referral.

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