Do you just get on with stuff, but feel lonely and just not very happy? Feel uncomfortable talking about your feelings, but wonder if feeling low could be a thing of the past. Perhaps you feel isolated and would like an excuse to get out to meet friends?
Organisations locally recognise that men often need a different outlet and space to help improve wellbeing. Take the first step, read about the resources below and find your space:
Sutton Men In Sheds offers wellbeing support and chat for men. The group meets once a month on Thursdays between 5-7pm at Hill House, St Helier. Further details on their Facebook page @HillHouseStHelier or by email.
The Proper Blokes Club - walk and talk for mental health. The Sutton group meets on Thursdays at 7pm outside the Sutton Utd FC, Gander Green Lane See website for more details.
Change Foundation Walking Football welcome new participants to this fantastic beginners walking football group. It’s a very friendly group that meets every Friday. Particularly suitable for those who may be unfit overweight but would love to have fun get fitter and meet new people.