Are you aware that LBS/Encompass are bringing in charges for people who self fund their packages of care?
Anyone needing a package of care is financially assessed to ascertain if they are a self-funder. This will determine if you pay for the whole package of care or whether you contribute towards care and the rest is paid for by LBS (Social Care).
The charges are specifically for self funders who pay for their care in full and do not receive any contributions from the public purse (LBS) towards their care.
The charges will take effect from 29th January 2024 and affects approximately 500 people/families in the London Borough of Sutton. The individuals/families were written to in December 2023 to provide information about these charges, giving them the opportunity to opt in or opt out. The charges are £15.50 plus VAT per week administration costs plus, as at 29th January 2024, a sign up fee of £310.00 plus VAT for those who opt in on and after that date.
Those self funders already paying fully for their care will not have to pay the £310.00 plus VAT.
These are fairly substantial charges but LBS is not the only local authority implementing such charges. Some voluntary sector organisations also charge for services or may have an administration charge for chargeable services.
Encompass are aiming to contact each individual/family who have not contacted them reminding them of the need to opt in or opt out before the 29th January, but this is a tall order and they may not be able to contact everyone.
The important thing to remember is that you have a choice. An individual who is self funding can make their own arrangements and choose however they want too to provide a package of care. There is a Sutton Care Directory lists all the care agencies in Sutton as well as Care Homes where individuals/families can go for a package of care, or go through the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
You can find help for self-funded care costs on the Sutton Council website here to find out more about these new charges.
Don't forget, even if self-funding, you can claim non-means tested benefits such as PIP or AA. Please get in touch to ask about these benefits or gain help completing the forms.
If you are a self-funder and have questions, please call Encompass on 020 8079 2760 or email