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About you:

Are you a professional working with an adult or young Carer?

Perhaps you are a social worker, health professional, mental health specialist, teacher, or from another charity...

You may be working with the Carer in some aspect of their life, or perhaps you are working with someone who has a physical or mental disability or health condition?  If this is the case, please ask - there is likely to be an unpaid Carer in the background.

You will require permission from the Carer to make the referral or you may also provide our number so that they can call us direct.

Work in a school?   
About us:

We are an independent charity supporting unpaid Carers who live, work, or care for someone who lives or studies in the London Borough of Sutton. 

We support Young Carers (YCs) from the age of 8, and Adult Carers of any age. 

We provide information and advice, as well as practical and emotional support to help make caring roles easier.  This includes specialist support for those experiencing end-of-life care and once caring roles end.

We do not differentiate.  Carers do not have to be in receipt of Carers Allowance, or care for a certain number of hours, or a particular type of care.   

We will talk to each Carer during registration to identify any immediate support needs and offer be here for any needs in the future.


Access our leaflets here.

Adult Carers

Complete our online form to register adult Carers aged 18+, so they can access services such as:

  • Support groups

  • Advice and information

  • Benefit checks

  • Form filling assistance

  • Wellbeing and emotional support

  • Specialist YAC support for 18-25 year olds

Young Carers

Complete our online form to refer a Young Carer aged 8-17, so they can access services such as:

  • Homework club

  • Peer support groups

  • Regular socials such as movie nights 

  • School support

  • Holiday activities

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If you have specific concerns about the Carer you are referring, e.g. safeguarding or urgency for support, you are welcome to call us to discuss your referral.
School Work
YC talk at Wallington HIgh School for Girls_edited.jpg


The Young Carers Service (YCS) visit schools to inform staff about the sensibilities around being a Young Carer.  We help educate students about how  able to determine who amongst them is a Young Carer and practicing support, this is managed through presenting the challenges that Young Carers undergo whilst caring for another.

  • Deliver training

  • Deliver assemblies

  • Offer school drop-ins

  • One-to-one sessions in school

  • Attend coffee mornings/afternoons

  • Advise on Young Carers Peer Support set-up

  • Provide resources for raising awareness of Young Carers

  • Advise schools through the process of achieving the Young Carers in schools Bronze/silver/gold award

  • Offer advice and support on addressing Young Carer needs

If your school isn't supporting Young Carers, or you want to sign up for our reward scheme or just get

some staff training booked in, get in touch.

Professionals YC referral form


Our Young Carers Service works with professionals inside organisations (schools) to provide the necessary training and tools to assist in the set up and running of peer support groups to help support their Young Carers.

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Young Carers

Please complete this form for any Young Carer aged 8  up to 17 years old who lives, studies, works, or cares for someone who lives in the LB Sutton.

We support Young Carers from the age of 8 years old and Young Adult Carers up until the age of 25. 

Any Young Adult Carer aged 18+, may refer themselves or please complete the Adult Carer Registration form.

Young Carer referral form

Refer a Young Carer (aged 8-17) here:

Referrer details

Have the YCs parents given consent for you to make this referral?

If permission has not been given, please do not complete this form. Instead, ask the Carer to call us or drop into Sutton Carers Centre and speak to a member of the team. You can print a copy of our leaflet/details here.

How do you know about Sutton Carers Centre?

About Young Carer

Date of birth
Does YC have any of the following in place:
Does the YC have any:
Does the YC have a health condition?

If available, please supply the following contact details:

Parent/guardian details

These are required questions for most YCs. If not applicable, e.g. due to age, please type 'N/A' into each box.

About the caring role

Does YC care for more than one person?
What is the relationship of the main/ first person cared for?

If YC cares for more than one person, please insert further details in notes section.

About the person cared for:

Date of birth
What is the reason for caring?

Additional information

Tick if true:

Details of any other professionals working with YC or your family e.g. Social Worker:

Other household members

Please tell us about anyone not already mentioned. If there are more household members, please include details in notes.

Relationship to YC
Relationship to YC
Relationship to YC

As a small independent charity, it is really useful for us to gain the following information for monitoring and funding purposes.  Any information will only be used anonymously unless we gain your authorisation for any other reason.  Please help us by completing the following questions:

Housing situation

By submitting this form, you are agreeing for a member of the Sutton Carers Centre team to make contact in regard to registering the Young Carer named above.

Professionals Adult Cares referal fom

Adult Carer referral form

Please note that required questions are marked with an asterisk (*).  

Adult Carers

Please complete this form for any Carer 18+ who lives, works or cares for someone who lives in the LB Sutton.

If you are unable to complete this form for any reason, or would like to speak to a member of staff in the first instance, please contact us.

Thank you, your form has been submitted

An error occurred. Please check you have completed all required boxes (shown in red) and formatting e.g. email address.

Refer an Adult Carers (18 years and above) here:

Referrer details

Has permission been granted for the referral?

If permission has not been given, please do not complete this form. Instead, ask the Carer to call us or drop into Sutton Carers Centre and speak to a member of the team. You can print a copy of our leaflet/details here.

How do you know about Sutton Carers Centre?

About Carer

Date of birth
Has the Carer had a Carers Assessment?

Monitoring data

As a small independent charity, it is really useful for us to gain the following information for monitoring and funding purposes.  Any information will only be used anonymously unless we gain express authorisation for any other reason.  Please help us by completing the following questions:

Marital status
Employment status
Housing situation
Sexual orientation
Any health condition / disability

About caring role

Does Carer support more than one person?
Who is the main person cared for?

If the Carer support more than one person, we will gain more details when we speak to them.

About the person cared for:

Date of birth
What is their gender?
What is their main health condition?

Impact of caring

To help us determine hot the Carer is doing at this time and any immediate need for support, please complete the following:

Does the Carer feel the caring role is:
Does the Carer feel they are:
How supported does the Carer feel by those around them:
Do you feel your caring situation places you at risk or harm? e.g. through manual lifting, or if the person you care for can become aggressive.
Does the Carer need any of the following services? Select all that apply:


This section allows the Carer to tell us how we may use their information.  We will not share any information without advance consent.  We will not share any information without advance consent.

We can only process your registration form if permission to store information AND contact the Carer is given. Please note that our monthly Newsletter will only be received if a valid email address is provided.

If you are concerned about the registration process, you are welcome to contact us on 020 8296 5611 to discuss how we may be able to help.

Do we have your consent to store the information on this form?
Consent to share sensitive/personal data with Funders or Partners for monitoring purposes
Other than a phone call, which contact methods may we use? Please select all that apply:

We need your support!

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